Hazards to Avoid During Summer Vacation
Summer is a time of family fun, late mornings, and freedom from homework. Unfortunately, it’s also a time when accidents are incredibly common. If you ask an emergency room physician or nurse, you’ll find that summer is one of their busiest times. As kids get into trouble during school breaks and adults finally take advantage of their paid time off, there’s plenty of time to get caught up in hazardous activities.
Luckily, by learning about some of summer’s biggest hazards, you can take steps to protect yourself and your family. If you or someone you love is injured in a summer accident, you could be entitled to compensation. Find out by calling The Dodd Law Firm at 203-272-1883.
Hazards at Home
Your home, no matter how kid-proof you may think it is, is full of hazards just waiting to be discovered. SafeHome reports that some of the worst summertime products for children’s injuries are those found in your very own home. Some of the products that cause the most injuries include:
- Trampolines
- Swing sets
- Bicycles
- Skateboards
- Porches and balconies
- Grills
- Gardening equipment
- Lawn mowers
Some of these items aren’t even children’s items, which highlights the importance of keeping anything potentially dangerous out of reach of children. This is true even if you have preteens or teenagers who you assume are able to keep themselves safe while you’re at work during the day. Bored kids can get into shocking trouble when left to their own devices, so it’s best to take away anything that can result in a trip to the emergency room.
Perhaps one of the greatest dangers found in some homes is a swimming pool. While swimming pools are especially dangerous for young or non-swimming children, they can be fatal to anyone who ends up in over their head. Before you open up the pool for the summer, ensure you have the safety barriers you need to avoid a tragedy.
Traveling Dangers
If you’re traveling with your family for the summer, you’re in good company—millions of people take off every summer to explore different parts of the country. Unfortunately, this also means that accidents are much more likely.
Vehicle accidents are one of the biggest threats in the summer months. The National Safety Council reports that accident fatalities increase dramatically in the summer months, thanks to a higher amount of miles traveled and more drivers on the road. This is particularly dangerous if you are traveling to an unfamiliar place.
Even the safest drivers can end up overwhelmed and distracted if they find themselves on a busy road without any clue where they’re going. When driving in an unfamiliar city, make sure you have your GPS ready to go before you start driving, don’t be afraid to stop and reroute if necessary, and give yourself extra time to get everywhere.
Outdoor Activities
Being outdoors is one of the best parts of summer, but it’s also one of the main reasons that injury rates are so high. Boating accidents are a common source of injuries and fatalities in summer. Other activities associated with a greater risk of injury include:
- Hiking
- Swimming
- Amusement park rides
- Camping
Whenever you plan a summer outing, make sure that the outing is aligned with your skill and comfort level. You don’t want your first hike of the season to be one of the most challenging in the state if you haven’t been active since last summer, nor do you want your kid’s first roller coaster to be the most dangerous in the park. Take it slow and err on the side of safety whenever possible. You have time—if you miss something on the first hike or amusement park trip of the season, you can make up for it the next time you go.
Reach Out to The Dodd Law Firm to Start Your Claim
If another person’s negligence causes you injury, you may very well be entitled to compensation for your losses. It’s crucial that you talk to an attorney right away to explore your options and take action. Let us help. Call The Dodd Law Firm at 203-272-1883 or reach out online to set up a consultation.