The Role of Social Media in Car Accidents: Distractions, Evidence, and Legal Issues

For better or worse, social media has completely changed how we live our lives. It’s a near-constant presence—even those who do their best to stay off of social media hear about current trends or scandals from friends and family. It should come as no surprise, then, that social media has also changed car accidents and the personal injury claims that follow.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you may have a valid personal injury claim against the at-fault driver. Let’s talk more about your options now. Call The Dodd Law Firm at 475-275-8649 to set up a consultation now.

Social Media and Its Role in Collisions

Social media plays an integral part in our day-to-day lives. It goes beyond fun pictures and silly memes, going so far as to increase the likelihood of being involved in a car accident. In fact, social media has contributed to a frightening rise in car accidents across the country. One of the main reasons is distracted driving.

Too many drivers are tempted to turn to their smartphones while driving, thinking that it won’t hurt to check out “just one” post, photo, or message. Checking notifications, browsing news feeds, and updating your own page take attention away from the road, increasing the risk of accidents.

Social media notifications and updates can be hard to resist, thanks to the hit of dopamine your brain gets every single time you scroll or refresh. This leaves drivers with their eyes and minds off of the road at critical moments. Drivers engrossed in social media may miss pedestrians, a change in traffic signal, or a car that’s merged into the lane ahead of them.

Social Media Evidence

Social media also provides valuable evidence for social media claims. When an accident happens, many people inevitably turn to social media to tell their stories. Those involved in a crash—whether the liable party or the victim—often post photos, captions, and video footage that can be invaluable to personal injury lawyers.

Consider a driver who was active on social media immediately before the accident. Who hasn’t seen a Facebook Live or TikTok Live being run by someone who is obviously driving? The fact that the person was updating their social media or even broadcasting live on social media prior to the crash can prove the driver’s negligence. Witnesses and bystanders may also post videos and photos to social media that both sides of a case can use.

Having said this, it’s important that accident victims be careful about social media usage after a collision. If you’re on the insurance company’s radar, they will undoubtedly be scouring your page for anything they can use against you. As tempting as it may be to update your loved ones, keep your accident off of social media until your claim is behind you.

Legal Issues Related to Social Media

Although social media has been around for years, its use in the courtroom is still evolving. The usage of social media logs and posts brings up questions of privacy. The information posted publicly, including posts by those with open accounts, is generally safe to use as evidence. But when posts are private or restricted, you may have to jump additional hurdles to gain access to them.

The validity of social media posts can also be called into question during a personal injury claim. It is incredibly easy nowadays to alter or misrepresent social media posts, and anyone planning on using this type of evidence must go one step further and ensure that everything they have is valid.

The timing of social media posts is another issue for court cases. Social media changes rapidly, and the posts accessible to you now may be gone in an hour or day from now. While this data is generally preserved in some form by the social media company, accessing it is much harder after it’s been deleted.

Get Started with Your Personal Injury Claim—Contact Us Today

Ready to start your car accident claim? It’s time to meet with the Cheshire car accident lawyers at The Dodd Law Firm. Set up a consultation right away by calling us at 475-275-8649 or sending us a message online.

Hazards to Avoid During Summer Vacation

Summer is a time of family fun, late mornings, and freedom from homework. Unfortunately, it’s also a time when accidents are incredibly common. If you ask an emergency room physician or nurse, you’ll find that summer is one of their busiest times. As kids get into trouble during school breaks and adults finally take advantage of their paid time off, there’s plenty of time to get caught up in hazardous activities.

Luckily, by learning about some of summer’s biggest hazards, you can take steps to protect yourself and your family. If you or someone you love is injured in a summer accident, you could be entitled to compensation. Find out by calling The Dodd Law Firm at 203-272-1883.

Hazards at Home

Your home, no matter how kid-proof you may think it is, is full of hazards just waiting to be discovered. SafeHome reports that some of the worst summertime products for children’s injuries are those found in your very own home. Some of the products that cause the most injuries include:

  • Trampolines
  • Swing sets
  • Bicycles
  • Skateboards
  • Porches and balconies
  • Grills
  • Gardening equipment
  • Lawn mowers

Some of these items aren’t even children’s items, which highlights the importance of keeping anything potentially dangerous out of reach of children. This is true even if you have preteens or teenagers who you assume are able to keep themselves safe while you’re at work during the day. Bored kids can get into shocking trouble when left to their own devices, so it’s best to take away anything that can result in a trip to the emergency room.

Perhaps one of the greatest dangers found in some homes is a swimming pool. While swimming pools are especially dangerous for young or non-swimming children, they can be fatal to anyone who ends up in over their head. Before you open up the pool for the summer, ensure you have the safety barriers you need to avoid a tragedy.

Traveling Dangers

If you’re traveling with your family for the summer, you’re in good company—millions of people take off every summer to explore different parts of the country. Unfortunately, this also means that accidents are much more likely.

Vehicle accidents are one of the biggest threats in the summer months. The National Safety Council reports that accident fatalities increase dramatically in the summer months, thanks to a higher amount of miles traveled and more drivers on the road. This is particularly dangerous if you are traveling to an unfamiliar place.

Even the safest drivers can end up overwhelmed and distracted if they find themselves on a busy road without any clue where they’re going. When driving in an unfamiliar city, make sure you have your GPS ready to go before you start driving, don’t be afraid to stop and reroute if necessary, and give yourself extra time to get everywhere.

Outdoor Activities

Being outdoors is one of the best parts of summer, but it’s also one of the main reasons that injury rates are so high. Boating accidents are a common source of injuries and fatalities in summer. Other activities associated with a greater risk of injury include:

  • Hiking
  • Swimming
  • Amusement park rides
  • Camping

Whenever you plan a summer outing, make sure that the outing is aligned with your skill and comfort level. You don’t want your first hike of the season to be one of the most challenging in the state if you haven’t been active since last summer, nor do you want your kid’s first roller coaster to be the most dangerous in the park. Take it slow and err on the side of safety whenever possible. You have time—if you miss something on the first hike or amusement park trip of the season, you can make up for it the next time you go.

Reach Out to The Dodd Law Firm to Start Your Claim

If another person’s negligence causes you injury, you may very well be entitled to compensation for your losses. It’s crucial that you talk to an attorney right away to explore your options and take action. Let us help. Call The Dodd Law Firm at 203-272-1883 or reach out online to set up a consultation.

How Vehicle Recalls and Defects Contribute to Car Accidents

Everyone knows that vehicles go through rigorous testing before they hit the market. This may give you a false sense of security about the safety of your vehicle. Vehicle defects and recalls are shockingly common and contribute to thousands of auto accidents and fatalities every year.

If you’ve been hurt in a crash caused by a defective vehicle, it’s time to talk to the team at The Dodd Law Firm. Find out how we can help you hold negligent manufacturers accountable. Call us at 203-272-1883 to set up a consultation now.

Defects and Recalls Are More Common Than You Think

When you learn the statistics about vehicle recalls, it’s hard to look at your car the same way again. Since 1996, when the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act was put into place, the NHTSA has been responsible for the recall of hundreds of millions of vehicles and components. These recalls include 390 million vehicles, 46 million tires, 66 million pieces of equipment, and 42 million car seats.

The defects leading to these recalls are often not caught until they cause accidents. The best-case scenario is that these accidents lead to injuries, but no fatalities. In the worst-case scenario, preventable deaths occur because of manufacturers’ failures.

There are several common types of defects leading to recalls and vehicle accidents. We’ll explore some of the most common ones below.

Tire Defects

Tire defects often lead to accidents that cause serious injuries or death. A responsible car owner keeps an eye on their tires’ air levels, tread, and material quality over time. But no matter how careful you are about tracking your tires’ maintenance needs; you can’t protect yourself against a defective tire.

A defective tire may fail at any time, causing you to lose control of your vehicle and leading to an accident. This is dangerous in any situation, but it is especially dangerous at high speeds on the highway.

Seatbelt Failures

We’ve all been told that we can rely on seatbelts to keep us safe in accidents. Today’s seatbelt is the result of years of research into ways to protect vehicle occupants while minimizing the risk of injuries caused by the seatbelts themselves. However, seatbelts aren’t infallible. When seatbelts are unsafely designed or manufactured, they can give occupants a false sense of security.

One common defect is the false latch. This occurs when an occupant buckles themselves in and hears the seatbelt click, but the seatbelt has actually not latched appropriately. The occupant has no idea until the seatbelt gives in an accident and causes them to sustain serious injuries.

Airbag Accidents

If people are aware of defective vehicle components, it’s often because they’ve heard of defective airbags. Airbags are there to cushion the blow in an accident by keeping you from hitting your face on the hard dashboard or being thrown from the vehicle. Unfortunately, airbags can fail in a variety of ways.

If an airbag does not deploy with the right amount of force, a vehicle occupant may hit their head on the vehicle. If they deploy with too little force or without any force at all, the force of the airbag could actually cause injuries that would otherwise not have happened.

Proving Liability

Proving liability can be extremely challenging in this type of situation. As you may imagine, vehicle manufacturers will go to great lengths to protect themselves from expensive lawsuits and recalls. Recalls are performed at their expense, so exposing a defect in their vehicles or vehicle components could cost them millions. For that reason, you may be stonewalled by the manufacturer if you try to hold them accountable for the accident caused by their defect.

Furthermore, people often claim vehicle defects in an attempt to escape liability. Someone who hits another car at full speed may claim that their brakes failed, only for a full investigation to show that the brakes were fully operational, and the driver just didn’t stop.

That’s why it’s so important to work with an attorney. Working with a lawyer gives you a better chance at holding negligent manufacturers accountable.

Contact The Dodd Law Firm Today

You don’t have to go up against negligent car manufacturers alone. The team at The Dodd Law Firm is here to advocate for you every step of the way. Call us at 203-272-1883 or send us a message online to set up a consultation.

Navigating Injury Claims in Multi-Vehicle Accidents

Multi-car pileups are frightening to witness and even more traumatizing for those who are involved. Once a chain reaction starts, there’s no telling where it will stop—some multi-car pileups have left dozens dead and even more seriously injured. Unfortunately, the pain doesn’t stop there. Victims of pileup crashes often find it nearly impossible to get the compensation they deserve after a crash, simply because there are so many people and insurance companies involved.

That’s where we come in. We know how devastating a multi-car pileup can be, and we want to help you get the compensation you deserve. Call The Dodd Law Firm at 203-272-1883 to set up a consultation with our team right now.

Multi-Car Accidents Are Far More Complicated Than Two-Vehicle Collisions
Why are multi-vehicle crashes so much harder to work through than two-vehicle crashes? Simply put, there are multiple drivers and insurance parties involved, and everyone is looking out for their own best interests. In a two-vehicle crash, liability generally isn’t as complicated.

While a vehicle component failure or road defect may cause a crash, these situations are rare. In most cases, the liability falls squarely on one or both drivers. In multi-vehicle accidents, one driver could be liable—or, more likely, multiple drivers share liability. Parsing the details of the crash, especially with so many people with differing experiences, can be a logistical nightmare.

Causes of Multi-Car Accidents
Multi-car accidents are often deadly, but what causes them? A wide range of factors go into these complex collisions. Some of the most commonly reported causes include:

• Bad weather: Bad weather is a very common theme in multi-car pileups. One slick spot sends a car sliding into another vehicle, and the vehicle behind them hits that same spot before hitting both of the cars ahead of them. Before you know it, there are a dozen cars piled up on the road.
• Impaired driving: Impaired drivers often make incredibly unsafe driving decisions, which creates the perfect environment for a multi-car crash.
• Unclear signage or light failure: Even when everyone drives safely, mechanical failures can cause collisions. When signs are unclear about who should stop and who can go or traffic lights fail, crashes are inevitable.
• Distracted driving: Distracted driving is one of the most common factors across all types of collisions, including multi-vehicle accidents.
• Speeding: Speeding not only increases the risk of an accident, but it also impacts the severity of accidents.
• Fatigue: Fatigue can cause people to drift to sleep, drive off the road, or cross the median. These types of unpredictable actions make it hard for other drivers to react, increasing the likelihood of a multi-car pileup.

Figuring Out Liability
The main difficulty with liability is the fact that multiple drivers may share some blame. Consider, for example, a multi-car crash at a stoplight. A distracted driver is looking down at their phone, so they don’t notice the vehicle in front of them is stopped.

They slam into them at full speed, pushing them into the vehicle in front of them. They’re obviously liable for much of the damage—but what if the driver they hit was too close to the car in front of them, which contributed to the second accident? What if the driver they hit had stopped at a green light, and the accident could have been avoided? There’s a lot of finger-pointing after these collisions, and unless you have someone advocating for you, your claim could get lost in the shuffle.

How an Attorney Can Help
A personal injury lawyer with experience in multi-vehicle accidents can step up and fight for you throughout the claim process. They’ll be able to cut through the noise, figure out what really happened, and determine liability. From there, they can negotiate on your behalf or take your case to court to pursue the compensation you are owed.

Choose The Dodd Law Firm for Your Accident Claim
The team at The Dodd Law Firm knows how overwhelmed you must be right now. As you recover from your injuries, the last thing you want is non-stop phone calls from other drivers’ insurance companies. Let us fight for you—call us at 203-272-1883 or send us a message online to set up a consultation.

Can I Sue a Third Party for a Workplace Injury Even If I Have Already Received Workers’ Compensation?

For most people who are injured at work, workers’ compensation is the only way to receive any damages for injuries. In Connecticut and other states, you cannot sue your employer or a coworker for an injury that occurs at work. But if someone outside of your workplace is responsible for your injuries, you may have a third-party claim.

This raises questions about what types of compensation you can receive and what happens if you receive money from both workers’ comp and a personal injury claim. Learn more now by calling The Dodd Law Firm at 203-272-1883.

Third-Party Claims

Third-party lawsuits are an option when someone who does not work for your place of employment causes your injuries. This can happen in a variety of ways, but common scenarios include:

  • You are driving for work when you get hit by a car.
  • A piece of equipment at work malfunctions and causes you to become injured.
  • A contractor at your job site uses equipment incorrectly or unsafely, which causes an accident.
  • A customer or client causes you to become injured, either accidentally or intentionally.
  • You are doing deliveries when a customer’s dog attacks you, leaving you wounded.
  • You slip and fall at someone’s place of business while doing business there.

Getting Compensated as Quickly as Possible

When people find out that this is an option, they often worry about choosing which type of claim to pursue. Although workers’ compensation is the fastest option, it is also very limited. You can’t receive full income replacement, nor can you receive compensation for pain and suffering.

While a personal injury claim allows you to recover far more in terms of compensation, it’s not guaranteed. When your claim is successful, you could still wait weeks or months for it to be settled.

Luckily, you do not have to choose between workers’ compensation and a personal injury claim. You can seek compensation via both routes, but you can’t receive double compensation for the same injury.

What Happens if Your Third-Party Claim is Successful?

Generally, this means that you start by filing a workers’ compensation claim. This ensures that you get medical coverage for your injuries without having to delay treatment. Additionally, you can start receiving some compensation for lost wages.

In the meantime, you will work with a personal injury lawyer to pursue your third-party claim. If your claim is successful and you receive either a settlement or a jury award, there is one key difference you must know about. Before you receive your compensation, whatever you received from workers’ compensation will be repaid to the workers’ compensation insurance provider. This doesn’t mean you’re losing anything; it just means that the workers’ compensation insurer is being reimbursed for what they spent on your care.

How an Attorney Can Help

If you believe a third party is responsible for your workplace injury, it’s important to talk to an attorney with experience in both workers’ compensation claims and personal injury claims. They can take an in-depth look at your accident and injuries, explain your options to you, and delve into what will happen with both claims.

Filing both types of claims offers the best of both worlds. With workers’ compensation, you are guaranteed medical coverage and payments as long as your injury occurred at work. This gives you the income you need to keep your head above water while you seek further compensation from the liable party.

Should your third-party claim fail, you’ll still at least have received some compensation for your injuries. With a successful personal injury claim, you can get full compensation for your lost income, as well as compensation for pain and suffering or other losses.

Explore Your Legal Options with The Dodd Law Firm

It can be difficult to understand the options available to you when you suffer a workplace injury. Talking to a personal injury and workers’ compensation attorney can help you get a better understanding of what will get you the compensation you deserve. Call The Dodd Law Firm at 203-272-1883 or send us a message online to get started.

Should You Seek Medical Attention After an Accident Even If You Don’t Think You’re Hurt?

You’ve been bitten by a dog, fallen on a slick patch of pavement outside a business, or been hit by a car. Although your pride might be hurt and you’re a little scared, you otherwise feel physically fine. What’s your next step? You might think that you just need to go home and rest until the shock of the accident wears off. However, skipping medical attention at this point is a big mistake. This choice could hurt both your physical health and your personal injury claim.

Medical attention is an essential part of any personal injury claim. Find out why you should see a doctor as soon as possible after an injury, and when you’re ready to move forward with your claim, call The Dodd Law Firm at 203-272-1883.

Prompt Medical Care Could Save Your Life

You may not feel injured after an accident, but that does not mean that you aren’t hurt. The body actively works to protect you when you’re in an accident. In preparation for fight or flight, it releases a flood of adrenaline into your body. This temporarily shuts down some functions of the body so you can focus on either fighting for yourself or getting away from danger.

Part of this response is a temporary inability to feel pain. This is supposed to give you enough time to get to a safe place before tending to your injuries. However, this can also make you falsely believe that you’ve gotten away scot-free after an accident. If you assume you’re not injured but you have serious injuries lying just below the surface, any delay in medical care could be devastating.

Delayed Injuries

You may wonder what injuries aren’t immediately visible after an accident, and the fact is that many take hours or days to appear. They include:

  • Spinal injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Internal bleeding

Some injuries are dependent on immediate testing and detection. For example, imagine you suffer a dog bite. Without proof of the dog’s rabies vaccination, you must immediately seek emergency medical care so they can take the proper steps to protect you.

A Medical Exam Links Your Injuries and the Accident

It’s obvious that medical care is a crucial part of protecting your physical health after an accident, but it’s also important for your personal injury claim. Before an insurance company will pay you what you deserve for an injury, they will need indisputable proof that your injuries are a result of their client’s actions. They will do everything in their power to find some other way that your injury could have happened.

Imagine being in a car accident. You feel okay right after, just a little worn out and rattled. As the days pass, you realize that your headache is not going away. In addition, your neck has become so stiff that you cannot turn to the right. You finally seek medical care one week after the accident.

To you, the hospital, and your insurance company, it’s clear that your injuries are the result of the accident you were in. The other party’s insurance company won’t see it that way. They’ll point out that anything could have happened between the accident and your checkup, so why should they pay for something their client didn’t cause? If they agree to pay anything, it will be minimal.

On the other hand, it is much harder to make this claim if you go to the doctor right after your accident. Immediate medical care creates a much stronger link between your accident and the injuries you suffered. As a result, the insurance company is put in a position where they have to pay a fair settlement if they want to avoid court.

Going to the doctor is the right choice for your health and your legal options, so make it a priority.

Discuss Your Case with The Dodd Law Firm

Looking for more personalized assistance with your personal injury claim? It’s time to talk to the team at The Dodd Law Firm. We’re ready to advocate for you and hold the negligent party accountable for your injuries. Set up a meeting now by calling us at 203-272-1883 or getting in touch online.

Is Poor Lighting an Adequate Cause for Liability in a Slip-and-Fall Case?

Slip-and-fall accidents are unfortunately very common. While many accidents leave victims with nothing more than a bruised ego and a little soreness, some have far more serious consequences. Some slip-and-fall victims suffer traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, spinal cord damage, and other serious injuries.

When this happens, it is important to seek fair and full compensation from the liable party. Medical bills add up quickly, and a serious injury could keep you out of work for weeks, months, or even years. Learn more about slip-and-fall accidents caused by poor lighting, and when you’re ready to discuss your claim, call The Dodd Law Firm at 203-272-1883.

Poor Lighting Can Be Dangerous

Inadequate lighting can be incredibly dangerous—there’s a reason that thriller, action, and horror movies use patchy and unreliable lighting to put characters in further danger. Inadequate lighting makes it harder for people to see obstacles, know the layout of the area they are in, and safely navigate to an exit. This is the case whether it’s a familiar or unfamiliar area, but the risk is heightened in an unfamiliar area.

Not only can poor lighting cause an accident, but it can also make an accident worse. When people slip and fall, they often try to catch themselves and limit the damage. Inadequate lighting makes this nearly impossible, as the victim can’t see nearby guardrails or other sturdy items that they can use to catch themselves.

Was the Property Owner Negligent?

For a slip-and-fall victim to seek compensation after a fall, they must be able to show that the property owner was negligent. This deals largely with the property owner’s duty to the victim.

In Connecticut, a property owner’s duty depends on whether the victim was an invitee, licensee, or trespasser. They have the greatest duty of care to invitees, those who are invited onto the property to do business or use it in an appropriate manner as determined by the owner. This category includes shoppers and diners. Property owners must keep their property free of hidden dangers, carry out repairs, and warn invitees of potential dangers.

The duty of care owed to licensees is lower. This category includes those who enter the property by invitation or with permission. Visitors at one’s home are considered licensees. In this case, owners do not have to inspect the property for dangerous conditions. The rules are slightly different regarding rental residential properties.

Trespassers are owed no duty of care under Connecticut law. However, if property owners could reasonably expect children to trespass—for example, because of a pool or trampoline—they must take reasonable steps to secure dangerous areas.

For a property owner to be considered negligent, they must have failed to meet the duty of care owed to the victim. Consider a shopper who slips and falls in a store.

Because of a burnt-out lightbulb, they were unable to see a small step up in the floor level. They tripped and fell on their face, causing lacerations and broken facial bones. In this case, the store owner would likely have had a duty of care to replace the light bulb right away or prevent guests from entering that area of the store until the bulb had been replaced.

How Inadequate Lighting Can Occur

Burnt-out lightbulbs are one of the most common forms of inadequate lighting, but this certainly isn’t the only way inadequate lighting can cause injuries. Entire electrical circuits can malfunction, causing lighting to flicker, go out intermittently, or fail completely. When this occurs, property owners must get the issue repaired promptly and keep visitors from accessing the affected area until it is fixed.

Lighting can also be inadequate by design. Consider areas that are dimly lit to create the appropriate atmosphere or environment. While this can be appealing to customers, if taken too far it can also increase the likelihood of an accident.

Reach Out to The Dodd Law Firm Today

If a poorly lit area has left you injured, don’t wait any longer to talk to an attorney. Call The Dodd Law Firm at 203-272-1883 or send us a message online to schedule a consultation with our experienced slip-and-fall attorneys.

Who Is Liable in a Connecticut Rideshare (Uber) Accident?

Ridesharing has caused a huge upset in the transportation industry, completely changing how people get around. However, with any major change in an industry comes new legal challenges. From the very beginning, rideshare users had questions—who’s responsible for accident damage? Do claims go through the driver’s personal insurance, and what happens if they deny it because the accident occurred during work?

Fortunately, it’s been several years now and these major issues have largely been decided. If you’ve been injured in a ridesharing car accident, we’ll help you figure out how to get the compensation you’re owed. Call The Dodd Law Firm at 203-272-1883 and set up a consultation with our team of experienced attorneys.

The Concept of Liability Does Not Change

First, it’s important to note that the basic concept of liability doesn’t change if one driver is working for a rideshare company. When the police respond to the scene of the accident, they will still look at the damage to both vehicles, listen to both drivers’ sides, look at the physical evidence, and issue citations if necessary. The insurance companies involved will look at the police report and other evidence to figure out whose negligence led to the accident.

It gets tricky, though, when the rideshare driver is the one found liable for the crash. In this case, it’s important to know whom to contact and how to secure fair compensation.

Insurance Coverage Matters

In personal injury claims, damages are rarely paid out by the actual negligent party. Settlements are generally paid out by the negligent party’s insurance company. When the negligent party is a rideshare driver, their personal insurance policy does not generally pay out. Note, though, that Connecticut law does require rideshare drivers to carry their own insurance. The rideshare company’s insurance policy should cover their driver’s damages.

Coverage varies. If the driver was on the app but had not yet accepted a ride request, Uber or Lyft insurance provides up to $50,000 of coverage per person up to a maximum of $100,000. If the driver has accepted a ride and is going to pick up the passenger, the policy pays up to $1,000,000.

This is in place until the passenger has been dropped off. If the rideshare driver was not logged into the app at all, their own insurance policy is used to cover accident-related expenses and settlements.

Getting Compensation After a Rideshare Accident

Don’t expect the Uber or Lyft insurance provider to treat your accident differently just because they are representing a working driver. Insurance companies, regardless of whom they represent, have the same priorities. They want to protect their shareholders and executives from financial losses, protect themselves from lawsuits, and avoid paying more than is necessary for every claim.

This means that you’ll still need to fight aggressively to get the compensation you are owed after a rideshare accident. The insurance company may use different tactics to evade liability, downplay their client’s role in the crash, or try to shift blame to a third party.

How do you get around this, especially if you’re already busy trying to recover from a serious injury? You bring in an experienced rideshare accident attorney who knows what it takes to get an insurance company to pay up. You’ll need to provide substantial evidence to prove your claim, so keep track of medical records, pictures from the crash scene, and the police report from the crash.

You may also want to keep evidence showing that it was rideshare-related. Take screenshots of your Uber or Lyft account, the specific ride you were taking when the accident occurred, and copies of any communication you had with anyone relating to the crash. Provide copies of everything to your attorney and trust them to use it in the most efficient way possible.

Contact The Dodd Law Firm Now to Start Your Rideshare Accident Claim

If you entrusted your safety to an Uber or Lyft driver and were injured in an accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. We’re here to talk about your accident, help you come up with a plan, and hold the negligent party accountable. Set up a time to talk with us now—just call The Dodd Law Firm at 203-272-1883 or send us a message online.

Increased Risk of Cancer for Firefighters

Firefighters put their lives on the line every single day to protect their communities. In addition to the immediate risk of being caught in a fire, firefighters face additional health risks. Constant exposure to smoke and hazardous chemicals puts them at a substantially higher risk of developing cancer.

Those who develop an illness as a result of their line of work may be entitled to compensation. However, employers don’t always make it easy for injured employees to file a claim. Learn more about your rights and what comes next by calling The Dodd Law Firm at 475-275-8649.

What the Research Says

Numerous studies have examined the link between firefighting and subsequent cancer risk. One study, which was covered by the CDC, looked at firefighters in Chicago, Philadelphia, and San Francisco.

The multi-year study found that firefighters had a significantly higher risk of digestive, oral, respiratory, and urinary cancers than the general population. Additionally, they developed malignant mesothelioma at a rate twice that of the general population. This may be explained by exposure to asbestos. Younger firefighters experienced higher diagnosis rates of prostate and bladder cancers.

This study also looked at how often firefighters were exposed to fire. More time spent in fires was linked to a greater risk of lung cancer, and the chance of leukemia death increased with the number of fire runs each firefighter went on.

The Firefighter Cancer Support Network also follows research in this area. One study found that cancer caused 66% of firefighter deaths that happened in the line of duty between 2002 and 2019. It was the reason for 70% of line-of-duty deaths in 2016. Their analysis also shows just how much the risk for certain cancers goes up. For example, the risk of testicular cancer is two times higher, and the risk for both multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is about 1.5 times higher.

Is It a Work-Related Illness?

The workers’ compensation system helps those who are injured or become ill while working. If an employee’s illness is caused by their work, they may be entitled to compensation. Under Connecticut law, occupational diseases do qualify for compensation.

The issue is proving that your illness is work-related. While it should be relatively easy to file a workers’ compensation claim, begin receiving medical care, and get partial income repayment, some workers’ insurance compensation providers do make it more challenging.

Compensation for Work-Related Illnesses

The workers’ compensation system in Connecticut provides benefits to injured and ill workers. You may be entitled to medical care for your diagnosis and partial replacement of your lost wages. Surviving family members of someone who dies as a result of an occupational illness can receive survivors’ benefits.

Filing a Claim

In Connecticut, you have three years from the date of your first symptoms to file a workers’ compensation claim. That doesn’t mean that you should wait that long, though. The sooner you recognize worrying symptoms and get them checked out, the sooner you can begin treatment and fight for a good outcome. Additionally, this also allows you to auto-receive benefits sooner.

The process for filing an occupational disease claim is the same as filing a claim for an injury. You will report your illness to your employer, and they will file a claim on your behalf. You will need to submit corroborating documentation and follow the steps laid out by the workers’ compensation insurance provider.

When do you need an attorney? Look for any signs that your employer will refuse to file a claim on your behalf or deny your claim. If they ask leading questions that imply your diagnosis isn’t work-related or try to delay filing, they may be stalling so they can look for a valid reason for denial.

Of course, you’ll also want to consult an attorney if your claim is denied. Cancer treatment costs are extraordinarily high, and you shouldn’t be on the hook for expenses related to an occupational illness.

Start Your Claim with The Dodd Law Firm

When you’re ready to start your claim, we’re here with you every step of the way. Set up a meeting now by calling us at 475-275-8649 or sending us a message online.

Vaping Injuries

Vaping is a trend that has exploded in popularity during the last decade, attracting teenagers and adults alike. However, it has caused a huge range of health issues and injuries. It has a reputation for being less risky than smoking and even a healthy way to stop smoking, but as injuries continue to pile up, people are starting to ask questions.

If you or someone you love has been injured while vaping, you may wonder who’s responsible and if you are entitled to compensation. Let us take a look at your case and help you with the next steps. Call The Dodd Law Firm at 475-275-8649 to set up a consultation now.

A Worrying Increase in Injuries

Unfortunately, vaping has become known by many as being a better alternative to smoking or a way to “wean off” of regular cigarettes. This has led many people to turn to vaping, not knowing just how harmful it can be to their health.

There’s a sizable body of research showing that vaping is incredibly dangerous for your health. Per Johns Hopkins Medicine, research in early 2020 found that there were nearly 3,000 cases of lung injury related to vaping and over 50 deaths resulting from lung injury. The risk is significantly higher for those who use modified vapes or non-approved liquids, including those that have THC.

Additionally, research indicates that vaping is just as addictive as smoking. People who try vaping in order to stop smoking may simply be trading one addiction for another with little to no health benefit. On top of that, not everyone who vapes is doing so because it can help them stop smoking.

Some, especially teenagers, turn to vaping because it looks cool, is convenient, and does not have the unpleasant smell of cigarettes. Vaping may actually be causing addiction in those who otherwise would never have picked up a cigarette.

Dangerous Chemicals in E-Cigarettes

Vaping liquid has a variety of chemicals that may cause serious health issues. While the liquid may not have the 7,000 or more chemicals found in a single cigarette, it’s still very dangerous.

Propylene glycol and glycerine, which can be carcinogenic under certain circumstances, are two of the most common chemicals. They also include benzoic acid, nicotine, and a variety of chemicals that create artificial flavorings. An uptick in EVALI (e-cigarette and vaping-associated lung injury) has been linked to these ingredients and those found in the modified or homemade liquid.

Who is Liable for Vaping Illnesses and Injuries?

This raises one major question: who is responsible for vaping-related injuries and who is liable for the damage they cause? Connecticut law places responsibility for unsafe or hazardous products on their manufacturers. The Connecticut Product Liability Act allows injured consumers to file claims based on negligence, strict liability, or breach of warranty.

This is a fairly nuanced area of law, as vaping is commonly known to have some degree of danger. Manufacturers may argue that users assume the risks associated with vaping when they choose to use e-cigarettes. While users may legally accept the risk of vaping when they vape, that does not allow manufacturers to act negligently in their design or marketing of products.

One issue that you may explore in a product liability claim is how vaping is marketed and how specific manufacturers market their devices. By marketing them to an audience that includes teenage users, despite the fact that Connecticut law does not allow those younger than 21 to purchase vapes, they are encouraging those at the greatest risk of injury to vape. Additionally, this marketing could encourage underage users to obtain modified or black-market vaping devices that may or may not be safe.

Another issue to look into is the actual manufacturing of the devices and the liquid used in them. If there are inherent flaws in the device or liquid, the manufacturer is responsible for those defects—even if the device itself poses an enhanced risk of health concerns.

Call The Dodd Law Firm to Discuss Your Vaping Injuries

If you or a loved one has been injured by a vaping device, don’t wait any longer to find out if you are entitled to compensation. The team at The Dodd Law Firm is ready to help. Call us at 475-275-8649 or get in touch with us online to set up a consultation.